Project Description
Sounds in Continuous Adaptive Environments
Scape is an audio application (app), for example for radio plays and radio reports, historic witnesses at real locations, virtual music concerts and audio games.
It allows users to immerse themselves in virtual three-dimensional soundscapes (augmented audio) at site of physical locations. Sounds (information/narration) are assigned to absolute positions in a room and linked conceptually with visible reference points (architecture, signs, symbols, rooms, etc.). The user discovers them through his movement and perspective, lingers over them, disengages from his position and continues exploring the environment.
All this is made possible by acoustic real-time calculations. Sounds, language and atmospheres are generated according to the position and direction of view. This revives bygone soundscapes (sound history), in which actors can occur, speak and react (narration, gamification).
The generated Scapes are open (open world) and provide an opportunity for interaction and genuine participation/immersion. Scape sees itself as an experimental progress.
Scape website (in development).
programmer Tom Bisson
head of project Paul Hadwiger
sound design Patrick Muller
dramaturgy Peter Roloff
graphic design Viola von Zadow
maxim film and Creative Media (HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences Berlin) are partners of the project, developed and lead by Paul Hadwiger.
Scape is funded by MIZ – Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg, a subdivision of the Landesmedienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg
Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany
September 29, 2016
Media Convention Berlin
at re:publica 10
Berlin, Germnay
May 3, 2016